My Adventure Kit

 I really love going on little adventures in my backyard with my awesome brothers, Nathan and Malachi, and it is important to always be equipped. A book that gave me part of the inspiration for an adventure kit is "The Daring Book for Girls" by Andrea J. Buchanan and Miriam Peskowitz. It is truly amazing!
My adventure kit includes:
  • My Swiss Army Knife, 
  • A bandana,
  • My compass and whistle, 
  • String
  • A pencil and a pocket journal.
What does your adventure kit include?


  1. My adventure kit includes water, a knife, a fire starter, snack food, sun glasses and a hat. I take my adventure kit with me when I go running in the mountains

  2. Along with what you listed, I also have a film canister/medicine bottle with a trash bag rolled up and stuffed inside. I can use the bag to pick up trash I see or as a raincoat or a liner between me and a pile of leaves if I have to make an emergency bed and cover with leaves to stay warm or cut it up with knife and tie the strips on a tree as emergency signals or part of an emergency water collector or more. I also usually throw in a field guide of some sort - whatever is useful for the time of year.

    1. Thank me for telling me about the trash bag, I have recently added it to my adventure kit too!!! :)


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