
Do you know what an "onomatopoeia" is? This is an exceptionally long word I found in the dictionary, meaning "The formation of a word as cuckoo, meow, honk, or boom, by imitation of a sound made by or associated with its' referent." In other words, onomatopoeia is just a long word for an imitation of a sound!


  1. Ah, yes, good ol' onomatopoeia. Do you know what circumlocution is, though? It's: 1. The use of unnecessarily wordy and indirect language. 2. Evasion in speech or writing. Or, 3. A roundabout expression. Sure, I may be gasconading (to boast, or brag) with this post, but I am truly a sesquipedalian (someone who uses large words) and unemcumbered when it comes to large words.
    (To be completely candid, I would not use most of these highlight large words in real life. They sound rather hilarious, honestly.)


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