Paper Airplanes

Today we have been studying some of the first airplanes, and so naturally afterwards all of us turned our attention to making our own paper airplanes. I made one that flies better than any I have made before, so I decided to share how to make it.This planes' name is "The Falcon".

You will need:
One sheet of paper
A wooden skewer
A paper clip or other small weight

1. Fold two corners of the paper toward the center until they touch
2. Fold paper in half

3.  Fold wings outward, leaving a small body of creased paper in the middle

4. Add your small weight to the nose

5. Stick the skewer through the body of the plane near the middle
6. Tape the skewer to the underside of the wing, near the body

Experiment with different throws and watch it fly! Don't forget that sometimes even the smallest adjustment makes all the difference.
