The Quote Book- Part Two

Here is a second installment of quotes from my infamous "quote book". These are all truly things that people have said in my hearing, although I have chosen to keep them anonymous. 

"Yes, I will marry you! I need someone to help me with my taxes."

"If I was breakdancing it would mean something would actually break."

"I'm going to start the New Year with a non-taunting ironing board."

"No! We're not going into the unknown, we're making the unknown!"

"I measure in green beans, not inches."

"Adele just felt the need to start singing in my pocket."

"My heart is not in an otterbox."

"I hate when they have those little speed limit counter things so that everybody behind you can judge your sins."

"Will you just stop being born so I can eat?"

"Nobody ever warns you not to iron when you have jeans with holes on."

"Tell them not to drink the shampoo!"

"It'll be in relevant in a minute when we go on another tangent."

"I'm going to be British Han Solo from now on."

"I will soil you with the common spinach."

I hope that you have enjoyed some of my favorite quotes! Feel free to post some of your favorites in the comments. :)
